A Study of Ruth and Esther
Have you ever wondered if God pays attention to the details of your life or does He just concern Himself with the big stuff? Are women important to God’s kingdom? Does God ever use ordinary people like me?
To discover the answers to these and other important questions, let’s journey together through the Books of Ruth and Esther in this 6-week Bible study. We will explore their unique stories as they wrestle with fear and faith in the presence of loss, loneliness, and oppression. We will come to understand Ruth and Esther’s lack of power and control over their lives and the danger they faced while living in an ancient, patriarchal society. Through it all, God will remind us that He works in our lives to accomplish His purpose, even when our situations seem impossible.
To discover the answers to these and other important questions, let’s journey together through the Books of Ruth and Esther in this 6-week Bible study. We will explore their unique stories as they wrestle with fear and faith in the presence of loss, loneliness, and oppression. We will come to understand Ruth and Esther’s lack of power and control over their lives and the danger they faced while living in an ancient, patriarchal society. Through it all, God will remind us that He works in our lives to accomplish His purpose, even when our situations seem impossible.
Lesson Notes
Lesson 1: Portraits of Providence (Introduction)
An introduction to the Books of Ruth and Esther, with an emphasis on understanding God’s providence.
Lesson 2: Fake or Real?? (Days 1-6)
A comparison of the faith of Ruth and Orpah, with an examination of the authenticity of our own faith.
Lesson 3: Relationships that Glorify God (Days 7-11)
A closer look at the relationship between Naomi and Ruth. A biblical prescription for relationships that glorify God.
Lesson 4: A Growing Relationship with God (Days 12-16)
The key to a growing relationship with God, with an examination into the redemptive stories of the Books of Ruth and Esther.
Lesson 5: Fighting the Poisonous Weed of Prejudice (Days 17-20)
A discussion about the dangers of the prejudicial hatred of Haman, including biblical ways to fight this pervasive poison.
Lesson 6: God is Sovereign - Now What? (Days 21-26)
The Books of Ruth and Esther demonstrate the truth of God’s sovereignty—a life-changing truth that demands a response from each of us.
Few books in the Bible elicit more interest or questions than the Books of Ruth and Esther. Located in the historical books of the Old Testament, they are the only books in the Bible that are named for women. These books depict dark days in the history of Israel. Written during the time of the judges, the Book of Ruth is the love story of King David’s grandparents and explains how a Moabite woman ended up in the lineage of King Jesus. It is a book about love lost and love regained, and it provides a most excellent example of the beauty of God’s redemptive work, both then and now.
Esther, on the other hand, is written during Israel’s captivity in Persia. It recounts the near genocide of the Jewish people, and God’s miraculous rescue through the efforts of the young Jewish queen, Esther. It is a spy-thriller—full of political intrigue, assassination attempts, and sexual debauchery. Interestingly, this book never mentions God’s name at all. Yet, few books in all of Scripture provide a better picture of God’s meticulous providence as He works out His sovereign will for His people and the world.
Esther, on the other hand, is written during Israel’s captivity in Persia. It recounts the near genocide of the Jewish people, and God’s miraculous rescue through the efforts of the young Jewish queen, Esther. It is a spy-thriller—full of political intrigue, assassination attempts, and sexual debauchery. Interestingly, this book never mentions God’s name at all. Yet, few books in all of Scripture provide a better picture of God’s meticulous providence as He works out His sovereign will for His people and the world.