Cornerstone Kids has the opportunity to serve over 250 children and their families on a weekly basis.  We have an incredible team of children’s ministry workers who are committed to discipling kids as they encounter the Gospel and learn to follow Christ through weekly worship and teaching, small group sessions, and special events.  We are always excited about adding new people to our Cornerstone Kids ministry team!  Below you can find some information about various ministry opportunities as well as our process for screening and training workers. If you are interested in serving in Cornerstone Kids, please fill out the following Volunteer Interest Form and someone will contact you about your next steps to get plugged in to this exciting and valuable ministry!

Ministry Oppotunities

We have engaging ministries for children of all ages during both service times every Sunday morning. You have the opportunity to serve in Nursery (0-2K), Preschool (3K-4K), or Gradeschool (5K-5th) where you can introduce kids to Jesus on the level that they understand. Members of this team engage with children and partner with parents on a weekly basis to help kids know and love Christ. Positions include small group leaders, check-in team, media/tech, greeters, and more!
AWANA is a fun approach to making the Bible alive and relevant for children in 2K-5th Grade. While kids are having fun together, they’re also learning about Jesus and hiding God’s Word in their hearts. AWANA takes place on Sunday afternoons during the school year, and members of this team disciple kids through teaching time, Scripture memory, game time, and building friendships. Positions include leaders, secretaries, nursery childcare, check-in, and more!
Throughout the year, we have many special events in our Children’s ministry! From summer camps, to family events, to sports ministries, there are many opportunities for you to use your gifts to serve, disciple kids, and connect with families. Whether you like to work behind the scenes or prefer running around the soccer field, there is a place for you to invest in kids and families through our special events. Keep an eye on our calendar to see what upcoming events you can be part of!  

Screening & Training

Cornerstone treasures our children and the good reputation of our children’s ministry workers and our church. Because of this, we are committed to a high level of screening and training for all our new Children’s Ministry Workers. Our process includes:

  1. Membership Verification
  2. Background Check
  3. Application
  4. Interview
  5. Reference Checks
  6. Ministry Training 

Join Our Team!

Interested in joining our team? Fill out the following interest form and someone will get in touch with you about your next steps!